Ready to learn a thing or two about diamonds whether buying diamonds online or otherwise?
You probably already knew about the 4Cs but beyond the basic 4Cs of Carat, Color, Clarity, and Cut/shape used to determine a diamond’s overall quality, there is yet another level of excellence that involves the symmetry and reflective quality of a diamond’s cut, and which potentially enhances all of the 4Cs.
This reflective quality determines how well a diamond “performs”, i.e., how well it reflects light under all lighting conditions and situations. What increases a diamond’s “wow” appeal is the way it transmits light back to the viewer’s eye, and that’s affected more by the cut than any other factor.
As for Clarity, a diamond's value is determined by absence or less of a diamond's internal inclusions and/or external blemishes. A flawless diamond is rare.
As for Carat weight in relation to Cut, a well-cut and polished diamond with precise symmetry will have more fire and brilliance and give the impression that it is larger than a stone of equal weight but with a lesser cut. Therefore, a good cut can give the impression of a bigger stone.
Many people think diamonds are colorless. Under normal lighting conditions, most diamonds appear to be colorless to the naked eye. A diamond’s color grade is actually determined by its “lack” of color. In reality, diamonds come in a wide range of colors though the color differences are very subtle. The “normal” color range of commercial diamonds is from colorless (white) to light yellow and light brown. Diamonds also come in a number of fancy colors like the ones below. Beautiful, aren't they? Diamonds, a girl's best friend!
Fancy Colored Diamonds: Fancy Pink, Fancy Red, Fancy Green and Fancy Yellow
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