Thursday, April 14, 2011

Theosophical Society Summary

A Brief Summary of the Last 100 Years

I find this interesting. This book is from a group known as the Theosophical Society founded by Madame Blavatsky in 1875. She wrote "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" which laid out the idea of the Ayrian race. While in prison, Hitler read this book and based much of "Mein Kampf" on the ideas expressed within the Theosophical doctrine explained in Blavatsky's book. Hitler also called for a "New World Order" over and over in his speeches which was something Blavatsky called for in her writings.

After the fall of the Nazi's the UN was established in 1947. The original publishing company for the UN was previously called "Lucifer's Trust" who changed their name in 1922 to "Lucis Trust" and still currently have their offices located in the UN's main office suites. This is also the main publishing company for material on Theosophy. Theosophy also spawned an Esoteric circle called the Baha'i faith which was composed of a Theosophical group who believe a man who called himself "Bahá'u'lláh" was Christ, Buddha, Krishna and all the other world messiahs reincarnated.

For some odd unknown and unexplainable reason, Baha'ism is the only religion that has a vote as a NGO on the UN council. In addition, they are the only religion with a "meditation room" inside the UN's main  building featuring art work by Dag Hammarskjöld/Bo Beskow.

Granted, many hard studied people on this subject will try to argue that today's Theosophy and Madame Blavatsky's writings differ just slightly, it's no different in overall premise, or ideas. Alice Bailey received control of Theosophy and went on to write the "The Externalization of the Hierarchy" in 1957 which spoke about the need for a New World Order underneath a new world spirituality religion in which the non adherents were to be disposed of. Linked above is that book. I highly recommend taking the time to read it.

Written By: Unnamed for Now
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