Sunday, July 18, 2010

Recycle Your BlackBerry Phone For Cash

It’s time to take your old BlackBerry phone out of service. You’ve signed a new contract and have a brand new BlackBerry or other smartphone on your existing phone number. The trusty old model doesn’t do much anymore. It doesn’t have service or a number. But it’s still in too good of shape to just toss in the trash. Isn’t something as high tech as a BlackBerry worth money?

Recycle your blackberry phone for cash. Click to find out how much.You bet it is. Depending on which model you have, the condition it is in and how old it is, you could be looking at some serious cash... if you can find a buyer. What a pain that is! You have to run ads or auctions, then hope somebody is in the market for what you are offering at exactly the time you are offering it. Then you have to deal with people coming over or by mail. It sure would be nice if you could just sell these things.

You can. There is an electronics recycler that offers cash for used BlackBerry phones and most other models of cell phones and smartphones. Which models do they want? Let’s take a look.

First, visit the Gazelle recycling site. Then, click on “BlackBerry RIM” under “Browse by Manufacturer” just below the search bar. Wow! There are 71 BlackBerry models in demand. These include models from the Series 5000, 6000, 7000, 7100, 7130, 7200, 7500, 7700, 8000, 8700, Bold, Curve, Pearl, R, Storm and Tour. Does that include yours? If not, just run a search and see if your BlackBerry RIM phone shows up. The models I’ve mentioned are just a snapshot, as new entries are being added all the time.

When you find your particular model of BlackBerry phone, just click on it and you’ll be taken to an offer page. To find the appropriate price for your phone, just answer a few simple questions about whether it makes a call successfully, is free of water damage, is in poor, fair, good or perfect condition, and whether you still have the AC adapter and original cables. Then click on the orange “Calculate” button and find out how much they’ll pay you.

If you like the answer, you can click “Add to Box” to accept the offer. Then you get to check out or sell another gadget. That can be another cell phone or a video game, movie, laptop computer, MP3 player, digital camera, PDA, gaming console, GPS device, camcorder, desktop computer, LCD monitor, calculator, camera lens, satellite radio, external hard drive, streaming media, projector, home audio or Blu-ray player. Now that you know how many electronic devices can be recycled, I’ll bet you can come up with a rather large box full.

Speaking of box, what happens next is that they send you a pre-paid shipping box. Just carefully pack your items inside and send it in. Once the condition of each item has been verified, you’ll get a check in the mail. How sweet is that?

By the way, this takes only a few minutes and can turn into something of a treasure hunt and you go through the house rounding up all your old unwanted gadgets. Why not give it a try right now? Get started recycling your BlackBerry Phone and other devices for cash.

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