As far as copyright is concerned he outlined two legislative proposals that will impact authors - one on orphan works and the other on collective management of authors' rights.
Reflecting that "approximately 40% of library collections are "orphans".........Barnier indicated.....that he agreed with the principle of mutual recognition between national systems advocated by the JURI committee and mentioned a proposal by the end of 2010."
As far as collective management is concerned, the very dishy Barnier (no apologies for betraying personal taste here) is supportive of a directive that would "facilitate the obtaining of cross-border licences and encourage development of the 'lawful offering' in the EU at a competitive price" and it appears he may either propose a green paper followed by a directive in 2011, "or a directive as of this year". Handsome and supportive of the administrative convenience, pro-author and consumer-friendly business model of collective administration. Swoon.............this man has everything!
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